Being an elite ski, snowboard, and mountain biking organization, whose members primarily reside over an hour away, having scheduled in-person training for our teams really was not an option. Getting athletes the support they needed at an affordable price, to be able to do the training that has proven to be absolutely essential to their athletic success, really became a challenge. Joe offered us a great solution through his online training platform. Through this platform, he was able to work with several of our athletes, whether it be for enhancing performance or strengthening post-injury. Athletes were able to see videos of each movement, and send videos back to Joe for feedback on form and execution, making us more comfortable with coaching strength training via app. We found that athletes had more accountability to their training when they got to choose when and where they worked out. Definitely recommend for anyone looking for quality programming, at an affordable price, who wants to fit in essential injury prevention and performance enhancement work into their busy schedule!
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